Long delayed by bushfires and COVID, Visions of the Future is finally launched!
Funded the British Academy, this project aimed to to place visions of the future from Britain, North America, and Australia since 1800 alongside each other, comparing the anxieties and preoccupations that have produced them. 1800 marks a key shift. New ideas about time emerged, in which past, present, and future constituted separate entities. This same period, the dawn of western industrialization, is also a candidate for the beginning of the Anthropocene, around which contemporary anxieties about the future have clustered. It was a privilege to work with superstars Assoc. Prof. Will Tullett, Dr Hannah Murray, and a team of creative students from Anglia Ruskin University and the University of Liverpool, on this project.
Check out the Visions of the Future website for an A-Z of visions of the future, creative responses to those visions, and a fun randomiser!